Alfredo VOLPI,
Formation and Heritage of the Brazilian Constructivism and Neoconcretismo in the Transcultural Contexts of West German Conceptions of Modernity in the 1950s and 1960s
The focus of the research project is the investigation into the development of post war modernism in the diplomatic context of the young German Federal Republic considering the emergence of Brazilian art in Germany between 1945 and 1960 and proposes an altered reading of the its traditionally western concept. The project elaborates on the important contribution of Brazilian artists working in different genres to the dynamic and increasing differentiation of the West German art scene. A particular focus lies on the analysis of interpersonal contacts and of cultural misunderstandings, misappropriations and practices of westernization of Brazilian concepts into German contexts which have not afflicted the eurocentristic history of art. Brazilian discourses on art recurring to concretism and neoconretismo appeared in Germany in exhibitions of modern art and were absorbed in graphic design. The development of Concrete Poetry in Brazil was equally linked to concrete painting of the country and arrived in Germany through existing networks. The interdisciplinary research investigates the necessary expansion of art historical debates about abstraction as international language in differentiation to the development of socialist art of the GDR and examines the recent discussion about the plurality of modernity. The research complements previous German-American and German-French studies on the history of West German self-exposure and cultural political initiatives after 1945 by a new external perspective making use of extensive archival based research. Furthermore, the research project makes a significant methodological contribution by linking contemporary transcultural research concepts of the history of art in a global context and the history of exhibitions to methods of critical art history after 1989.
This research is funded by DFG German Research Foundation 2014-2017.
Link List Key Words Modernitie(s) | Global | Transcultural |
Modernidad(es) Decentralizada(s) — arte, política y contracultura en el eje transatlántico durante la Guerra Fría
Universitat de Barcelona
This project centres around two main axes of study. Firstly, the analysis of the discursive narratives of modernity as shaped by artistic practices and aesthetic and critical discourses. Such analysis is also taking into account the role of institutions and exhibitions in the formation of modernist practices in the different contexts across the transatlantic world during the Cold War. Secondly, the study of the influence and the role of these transatlantic configurations in the transition from modernity to post-modernity and their ongoing presence in today’s global world.
Transkulturelle Verhandlungsräume von Kunst. Komparatistische Perspektiven auf historische Kontexte und aktuelle Konstellationen
Freie Universität Berlin
Die Forschergruppe verfolgt das Ziel, die Bedeutung von künstlerischen Objekten und Praktiken als Faktoren und Indikatoren kultureller Wandlungs- und Verflechtungsprozesse in vergleichender Perspektive zu untersuchen. Die komparatistische Grundstruktur des Forschungsverbundes richtet sich an einer diachronen Achse aus, die einen Untersuchungszeitraum zwischen dem 13. und dem späten 20. Jahrhundert erschließt. Damit wird ein Ereignisraum fokussiert, der in geopolitischer Hinsicht als Entstehung des modernen Weltsystems bezeichnet worden ist, das lokale Verhältnisse in historisch neuartiger Intensivierung mit Fernereignissen und -wirkungen verknüpft hat. Auf einer synchronen Ebene werden kulturübergreifend Verflechtungsprozesse analysiert, die lokale/regionale Verständigungsformen und Traditionen des Künstlerischen in je spezifischer Weise affizieren und transformieren. Mit einer Auffächerung der Untersuchungsschwerpunkte auf Dynamiken künstlerischen Wandels in Afrika, Europa, Nord- und Südamerika sowie Ostasien zielt die Forschergruppe durch die Zusammenführung regionalwissenschaftlicher und sprachspezifischer Kompetenzen und die Einbindung komparatistischer Methoden benachbarter Disziplinen auf eine integrative Kunstforschung, die konzeptuelle Alternativen zu einem epochal und kulturräumlich begrenzten Ensemble von Teilkunstgeschichten bereitstellt.
TrAIN Research Center for Transnational Art Identity Nation
University of the Arts London
The University of the Arts Research Centre for Transnational Art, Identity and Nation is a forum for historical, theoretical and practice-based research in architecture, art, communication, craft and design.
Brazil in Dialogue Research Plattform | Berlin Studies on Brazilian Art and Art History
Freie Universität Berlin
“Brazil in Dialogue” is a network of researchers of the Free University Berlin and other institutions who dedicate their work to Brazilian art, art history and transcultural concepts. It is associated and/or linked to the research group “Transcultural Negotiations in the Ambits of Art. Comparative Perspectives on Historical Contexts and Contemporary Constellations” at Free University Berlin.
Former West | A contemporary art research, education, publishing, and exhibition project (2008-2016)
BAK Utrecht
Former West is a long-term international research, education, publishing, and exhibition project (2008–2016), which from within the field of contemporary art and theory: (1) reflects upon the changes introduced to the world (and thus to the so-called West) by the political, cultural, artistic, and economic events of 1989; (2) engages in rethinking the global histories of the last two decades in dialogue with post-communist and postcolonial thought; and (3) speculates about a “post-bloc” future that recognizes differences yet evolves through the political imperative of equality and the notion of “one world.”
Asia and Europe in a Global Context
University of Heidelberg
Aim of the Cluster “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” is to enhance the understanding of the multi-layered interactions between and within Asia and Europe – an area of great significance for academia as well as for contemporary society and politics. We achieve this by examining the processes of exchange between cultures and establishing the concept of transculturality as a basic approach in the humanities and social sciences.
GAM | Global Art and the Museum
ZKM Karlsruhe
The term globalization has now become a catchword on everyone’s lips. The question as to its impact on contemporary art and institutions, however, still remains unaccounted for. It was with this in view that Peter Weibel and Hans Belting initiated the project GAM – Global Art and the Museum at the ZKM, in 2006; the aim was to launch an examination of a process which brought about the transformation of art production, extended to a global level, as well as the transformation of art museums. The aim was to awaken a consciousness of this transformation which globalization signified for the emergence of new art worlds. The point of departure for this investigation was the art museum in its previous manifestation as MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) that had experienced a founding boom, while the biennales spread a new network of art forms around the globe. – See more at:
Programa Hélio Oiticia, Itaucultural
Call me Helium Project by Andreas Valentin, Thomas Valentin, Hélio Oiticica
Fórum Permanente is a platform for the generation of content and documentation specialised in analysing and discussing the relationship between Contemporary Art and its spaces of social reception, as well as its innovation trends and historical deadlocks. By following events and exhibitions it focuses on the circulation of art through cultural apparatus and urban environments. Therefore, Fórum Permanente’s main goal is to strengthen the “development of the public” and to facilitate access to the important concepts which have risen throughout art’s history up to the present, fostering a dialogue with all those who have access to this medium: both the general public and specialists.
Centro Mario Schenberg de Documentação da Pesquisa em Artes – ECA/USP, São Paulo
Sistematiza os textos e a documentação dos Seminários Schenberg. Realiza pesquisa sobre a história da vida do Prof. Mario Schenberg, proporcionando assim um contato maior com o pensamento e as ideias de Schenberg aos cientistas, pesquisadores e instituições nacionais e internacionais. Em 2000, foi inaugurada uma nova vertente, DIÁLOGOS, contendo seleção de críticas de arte do próprio Mario Schenberg.
Goethe Institute ¦ Episodes of the South
Goethe-Institut project will include debates, research, exchange programs and artistic and academic works using new points of view and ways of thinking about Germany, Europe and the world.